Finally, Power weapons (grenade launchers, machine guns, swords) are the most powerful, but ammo drops for them the least common.

Special weapons (shotguns, sniper rifles, fusion rifles) do higher damage with rarer ammo, making them best used on Majors. Primary weapons (assault rifles, pulse rifles, handcannons) come with plenty of ammo but the lowest damage, making them ideal for mowing down Minors. In terms of your arsenal, you can wield three different types of guns: Primary (white ammo), Special (green ammo), and Power (purple ammo). Minors (red health bar) are weak but plentiful, Majors (yellow health bar) are tougher but rarer, and Bosses (orange health bar) are the strongest but will usually only be encountered once per session. In Destiny, there are three types of enemy ranks: Minors, Majors, and Bosses.

Now that you've picked a class, let's talk about the basics of combat.