If that's true that would obviously be easier and take less time, but I don't want to screw anything up which is why I'm asking for advice on here. I've heard that you have to uninstall it via Steam and uninstall BOSS and NMM and then reinstall them all again, but I've also heard that you can just delete everything in the skyrim folder except the TESV.exe, then go into Steam and validate the files. However, I'm not sure how to safely do that. What I would like to do is uninstall Skyrim and reinstall it to have a fresh start with only the mods that I'm using now and know work without conflict. Now, I don't know how to go through and manually delete these old mod files and since it's been over a year (I just recently started playing Skyrim again) I can't even remember what they are all. In my tests and research and everything I've been doing to try and get my game running as close to flawlessly as possible, I've noticed that some of the mods I installed over a year ago via NMM and uninstalled via NMM are still there - they haven't been completely deleted and I believe that is, at least contributing to the problem.

I have my Skyrim game running almost flawlessly, but there are still a couple issues here and there. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the correction section to put this question in, but I hope it is.