It is found in SCP-895's chamber or in the elevator maintenance room, or by refining a Level 2 card in SCP-914 on "Fine". The level 3 keycard can be used to open the main door and the door to the staircase in SCP-106's chamber, SCP-895's chamber, SCP-079's chamber, SCP-012's chamber The now-removed SCP-178's chamber, the first door leading to SCP-714's, SCP-1025's, SCP-427's, and SCP-860's chambers. This keycard can be used to access all Euclid level SCPs. It can also be obtained by placing a level 1 keycard into SCP-914 on "Fine" or a MasterCard/Playing Card on "Very Fine". It can be found in the basic office or at the small testing room.

This keycard can be used to open the doors to SCP-914's containment chamber. It can be found in the Storage Room (in the Light Containment Zone), in the 2-Office Room (in the Entrance Zone), or in the hallway affected by SCP-970 (in the Light Containment Zone) Nine tail fox unit known as ntf unit is the general person you can play as.This keycard can only be used to open the door to the Small Testing Room (in the Light Containment Zone). Its one of the millions of unique user generated 3d experiences created on roblox. In the nine tail fox mod game once you join in youre able to select what class you want to be nu 7ntf nine tail fox or security as of 9172017 each class will be listed and explained on. Scp ntf mod in roblox, Cb nine tailed fox mod is a modification of the game scp.

Simply join the game and you get the badge. Scp Cb Nine Tailed Fox Mod For Scp Containment Breach Mod Db scp cb nine tailed fox mod for scp You have multiple ways of accomplishing your task of securing the facility and re containing the escaped scps.

Scp nine tailed fox mod roblox development ntf logo.